A couple of recent reports address the nuclear safety culture (NSC) problems at Pilgrim and Watts Bar. This post summarizes the reports and provides our perspective on their content. Spoiler alert: there is not much new in this news.
The NRC issued their report* on phase C of their IP 95003 inspection at Pilgrim. This is the phase where the NRC conducts its own assessment of the plant’s NSC. The overall finding in the cover letter is: “The NRC determined that programs and processes at PNPS [Pilgrim] adequately support nuclear safety and that PNPS should remain in Column 4.” However, the letter goes on to detail a host of deficiencies. The relative good news is that Pilgrim’s NSC shortcomings weren’t sufficiently serious or interesting to merit mention in the cover letter.
But the NRC had plenty to say about NSC in the main report. Highlights include the finding that NSC is a “fundamental problem” at Pilgrim. NSC gradually deteriorated over time and “actions to balance competing priorities, manage problems, and prioritize workload resulted in reduced safety margins.” Staffing reduction initiatives exacerbated plant performance problems. Personnel were challenged to exhibit standards and expectations in conservative decision-making, work practices, and procedure use and adherence. Contributing factors to performance shortcomings include lack of effective benchmarking of industry standards and the plant’s planned 2019 permanent shutdown. The NRC also noted weaknesses in the Executive Review Board, Employee Concerns Program and the Nuclear Safety Culture Monitoring Panel. (pp. 8-10)
Watts Bar
In April the TVA inspector general (IG) issued a report** castigating TVA management for allowing a chilled work environment (CWE) to continue to exist at Watts Bar. The IG report’s findings included: TVA's analyses and its response to the NRC’s CWE letter were incomplete and inadequate; TVA's planned corrective actions are unlikely to have long-term effectiveness; precursors of the CWE went unrecognized by management; and management has inappropriately influenced the outcome of analyses and investigations pertaining to Watts Bar NSC/SCWE issues. Staff stress, fear and trust issues also exist.
In response, TVA management pointed out the corrective actions that were taken or are underway since the first draft of the IG report was issued. Additionally, TVA management “has expressly acknowledged management's role in creating the condition and its responsibility for correcting it."
Our Perspective
This is merely a continuation of a couple of sad stories we’ve been reporting on for a long time. Click on the Entergy, Pilgrim, TVA or Watts Bar labels to get our earlier reports.
The finding that Pilgrim did not adequately benchmark against industry standards is appalling. Entergy operates a fleet of nuclear plants and they don’t know what industry standards are? Whatever. Entergy is closing all the plants they purchased outside their service territory, hopefully to increase their attention on their utility-owned plants (where Arkansas Nuclear One remains a work in progress).
We applaud the TVA IG for shining a light on the agency’s NSC issues. In response to the IG report, TVA management put out a typical mea culpa accompanied by claims that their current corrective actions will fix the CWE and other NSC problems. Well, their prior actions were ineffective and these actions will also probably fall short. It doesn’t really matter. TVA is too big to fail, both politically and economically, and their nuclear program will likely continue to plod along forever.
A new research paper* covers the challenges of establishing and improving nuclear safety culture (NSC) in a dynamic, i.e., project, environment. The authors are Finnish and Swedish and it appears the problems of the Olkiluoto 3 plant inform their research interests. Their summary and review of current NSC literature is of interest to us.
They begin with an overall description of how organizational (and cultural) changes can occur in terms of direction, rate and scale.
Top-down (or planned) change relies on the familiar unfreeze-change-refreeze models of Kurt Lewin and Ed Schein. Bottom-up (or emergent) change emphasizes self-organization and organizational learning. Truly free form, unguided change leads to NSC being an emergent property of the organization. As we know, the top-down approach is seldom, if ever, 100% effective because of frictional losses, unintended consequences or the impact of competing, emergent cultural currents. In a nod to a systems perspective, the authors note organizational structures and behavior influence (and are influenced by) culture.
“Organizational change can also be distinguished by the rate of its occurrence, i.e, whether the change occurs abruptly or smoothly [italics added].” (p. 8) We observe that most nuclear plants try to build on past success, hence they promote “continuous improvement” programs that don’t rattle the organization. In contrast, a plant with major NSC problems sometimes receives shock treatment, often in the form of a new senior manager who is expected to clean things up. New management systems and organizational structures can also cause abrupt change.
The authors identify four levels of change. Most operating plants exhibit the least disruptive changes, called fine tuning and incremental adjustment. Modular transformation attempts to change culture at the department level; corporate transformation is self-explanatory.
The authors sound a cautionary note: “the more radical types of changes might not be easily initiated – or might not even be feasible, considering that safety culture is by nature a slowly and progressively changing phenomenon. The obvious condition where a safety-critical organization requires radical changes to its safety culture is when it is unacceptably unhealthy.” (p. 9)
Culture Change Strategies
The authors list seven specific strategies for improving NSC:
Change organizational structures,
Modify the behavior of a target group through, e.g. incentives and positive reinforcement,
Improve interaction and communication to build a shared culture,
Ensure all organizational members are committed to safety and jointly participate in its improvement,
Promote the concept and importance of NSC,
Recruit and select employees who will support a strong NSC.
This section includes a literature review for examples of the specific strategies.
Project Organizations
The nature of project organizations is discussed in detail including their time pressures, wide use of teams, complex tasks and a context of a temporary organization in a relatively permanent environment. The authors observe that “in temporary organisations, the threat of prioritizing “production” over safety may occur more naturally than in permanent organizations.” (pp. 16-17) Projects are not limited to building new plants; as we have seen, large projects (Crystal River containment penetration, SONGS steam generator replacement) can kill operating plants.
The balance of the paper covers the authors’ empirical work.
Our Perspective
This is a useful paper because it provides a good summary of the host of approaches and methods that have been (and are being) applied in the NSC space. That said, the authors offer no new insights into NSC practice.
Although the paper’s focus is on projects, basically new plant construction, people responsible for fixing NSC at problem plants, e.g., Watts Bar, should peruse this report for lessons they can apply that might help achieve the step function NSC improvements such plants need.