Tuesday, October 29, 2013

NRC Outreach on the Safety Culture Policy Statement

An NRC public meeting
Last August 7th, the NRC held a public meeting to discuss their outreach initiatives to inform stakeholders about the Safety Culture Policy Statement (SCPS).  A meeting summary was published in October.*  Much of the discussion covered what we'll call the bureaucratization of safety culture (SC)—development of communication materials (inc. a poster, brochure, case studies and website), presentations at conferences and meetings (some international), and training.  However, there were some interesting tidbits, discussed below.

One NRC presentation covered the SC Common Language Initiative.**  The presenter remarked that an additional SC trait, Decision Making (DM), was added during the development of the common language.  In our Feb. 28, 2013 review of the final common language document, we praised the treatment of DM; it is a principal creator of artifacts that reflect an organization's SC.

The INPO presentation noted that “After the common language effort was completed in January, 2013, INPO published Revision 1 of 12-012, which includes all of the examples developed during the common language workshop.” (p. 6)  We reviewed that INPO document here.

But here's the item that got our attention.  During a presentation on NRC outreach, an industry participant cautioned the NRC to not put policy statements into regulatory documents because policy statements are an expectation, not a regulation. The senior NRC person at the meeting agreed with the comment “and the importance of the NRC not overstepping the Commission’s direction that implementing the SCPS is not a regulatory requirement, but rather the Commission’s expectations.” (p. 4)

We find the last comment disingenuous.  We have previously posted on how the NRC has created de facto regulation of SC.***  In the absence of clear de jure regulation, licensees and the NRC end up playing “bring me another rock” until the NRC accepts a licensee's pronouncements, as verified by NRC inspectors.  For an example of this convoluted kabuki, read Bob Cudlin's Jan. 30, 2013 post on how Palisades' efforts to address a plant incident finally gained NRC acceptance, or at least an NRC opinion that Palisades' SC was “adequate and improving.”

We'll keep you posted on SCPS-related activities.

*  D.J. Sieracki to R.P. Zimmerman, “Summary of the August 7, 2013, Public Meeting between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Staff  and Stakeholders to  Exchange Information and Discuss Ongoing Education and Outreach Associated with the Safety Culture Policy Statement” (Oct. 1, 2013).  ADAMS ML13267A385.  We continue to find it ironic that the SCPS is administered by the NRC's Office of Enforcement.  Isn't OE's primary focus on people and companies who violate the NRC's regulations?

**  “The common language initiative uses the traits from the SCPS as a basic foundation, and contains definitions and examples to describe each trait more fully.” (p. 3)

***  For related posts, please click the "Regulation of Safety Culture" label.

Friday, October 18, 2013

When Apples Decay

In our experience education is perceived as a continual process, accumulating knowledge progressively over time.  A shiny apple exemplifies the learning student or an inspiring insight (see Newton, Sir Isaac). Less consideration is given to the fact that the educational process can work in reverse leading to a loss of capability over time.  In other words, the apple decays.  As Martin Weller notes on his blog The Ed Techie, “education is about selling apples...we need to recognise and facilitate learning that takes ten minutes or involves extended participation in a community over a number of years.”*

This leads us to a recent Wall Street Journal piece, “Americans Need a Simple Retirement System”.**  The article is about the failure of educational efforts to improve financial literacy.  We admit that this is a bit out of context for nuclear safety culture; nevertheless it provides a useful perspective that seems to be overlooked in within the nuclear industry.  The article notes:

“The problem is that, like all educational efforts, financial education decays over time and has negligible effects on behavior after 20 months. The authors suggest that, given this decay, “just in time” financial education...might be a more effective way to proceed.”

We tend to view the safety culture training provided at nuclear plants to be of the 10 minute variety, selling apples that may vary in size and color but are just apples.   Additional training is routinely prescribed in response to findings of inadequate safety culture.  Yet we cannot recall a single reported instance where safety culture issues were associated with inadequate or ineffective training in the first place.  Nor do we see explicit recognition that such training efforts have very limited half lives, creating cycles of future problems.  We have blogged about the decay of training based reinforcement (see our March 22, 2010 post) and the contribution of decay and training saturation to complacency (see our Dec. 8, 2011 post).

The fact that safety culture knowledge and “strength” decays over time is just one example of the dynamics associated with safety management.  Arguably one could assert that an effective learning process itself is a (the?) key to building and maintaining strong safety culture.  And further that it is consistently missing in current nuclear industry programs that emphasize indoctrination in traits and values.  It’s time for better and more innovative approaches - not just more apples.

*  M. Weller, "The long-awaited 'education as fruit' metaphor," The Ed Techie blog (Sept. 10, 2009).  Retrieved Oct. 18, 2013.

**  A.H. Munnell, "Americans need a simple retirement system," MarketWatch blog (Oct. 16, 2013).  Retrieved Oct. 18, 2013.

Monday, October 14, 2013

High Reliability Management by Roe and Schulman

This book* presents a multi-year case study of the California Independent System Operator (CAISO), the government entity created to operate California's electricity grid when the state deregulated its electricity market.  CAISO's travails read like The Perils of Pauline but our primary interest lies in the authors' observations of the different grid management strategies CAISO used under various operating conditions; it is a comprehensive description of contingency management in the real world.  In this post we summarize the authors' management model, discuss the application to nuclear management and opine on the implications for nuclear safety culture.

The High Reliability Management (HRM) Model

The authors call the model they developed High Reliability Management and present it in a 2x2 matrix where the axes are System Volatility and Network Options Variety. (Ch. 3)  System Volatility refers to the magnitude and rate of change of  CAISO's environmental variables including generator and transmission availability, reserves, electricity prices, contracts, the extent to which providers are playing fair or gaming the system, weather, temperature and electricity demand (regional and overall).  Network Options Variety refers to the range of resources and strategies available for meeting demand (basically in real time) given the current inputs. 

System Volatility and Network Options Variety can each be High or Low so there are four possible modes and a distinctive operating management approach for each.  All modes must address CAISO's two missions of matching electricity supply and demand, and protecting the grid.  Operators must manage the system inside an acceptable or tolerable performance bandwidth (invariant output performance is a practical impossibility) in all modes.  Operating conditions are challenging: supply and demand are inherently unstable (p. 34), inadequate supply means some load cannot be served and too much generation can damage the grid. (pp. 27, 142)

High Volatility and High Options mean both generation (supply) and demand are changing quickly and the operators have multiple strategies available for maintaining balance.  Some strategies can be substituted for others.  It is a dynamic but manageable environment.

High Volatility and Low Options mean both generation and demand are changing quickly but the operators have few strategies available for maintaining balance.  They run from pillar to post; it is highly stressful.  Sometimes they have to create ad hoc (undocumented and perhaps untried) approaches using trail and error.  Demand can be satisfied but regulatory limits may be exceeded and the system is running closer to the edge of technical capabilities and operator skills.  It is the most unstable performance mode and untenable because the operators are losing control and one perturbation can amplify into another. (p. 37)

Low Volatility and Low Options mean generation and demand are not changing quickly.  The critical feature here is demand has been reduced by load shedding.  The operators have exhausted all other strategies for maintaining balance.  It is a command-and-control approach, effected by declaring a  Stage 3 grid situation and run using formal rules and procedures.  It is the least desirable domain because one primary mission, to meet all demand, is not being accomplished. 

Low Volatility and High Options is an HRM's preferred mode.  Actual demand follows the forecast, generators are producing as expected, reserves are on hand, and there is no congestion on transmission lines or backup routes are available.  Procedures based on analyzed conditions exist and are used.  There are few, if any, surprises.  Learning can occur but it is incremental, the result of new methods or analysis.  Performance is important and system behavior operates within a narrow bandwidth.  Loss of attention (complacency) is a risk.  Is this starting to sound familiar?  This is the domain of High Reliability Organization (HRO) theory and practice.  Nuclear power operations is an example of an HRO. (pp. 60-62)          

Lessons for Nuclear Operations 

Nuclear plants work hard to stay in the Low Volatility/High Options mode.  If they stray into the Low Options column, they run the risks of facing unanalyzed situations and regulatory non-compliance. (p. 62)  In their effort to optimize performance in the desired mode, plants examine their performance risks to ever finer granularity through new methods and analyses.  Because of the organizations' narrow focus, few resources are directed at identifying, contemplating and planning for very low probability events (the tails of distributions) that might force a plant into a different mode or have enormous potential negative consequences.**  Design changes (especially new technologies) that increase output or efficiency may mask subtle warning signs of problems; organizations must be mindful to performance drift and nascent problems.   

In an HRO, trial and error is not an acceptable method for trying out new options.  No one wants cowboy operators in the control room.  But examining new options using off-line methods, in particular simulation, is highly desirable. (pp. 111, 233)  In addition, building reactive capacity in the organization can be a substitute for foresight to accommodate the unexpected and unanalyzed. (pp. 116-17)  

The focus on the external changes that buffeted CAISO leads to a shortcoming when looking for lessons for nuclear.  The book emphasizes CAISO's adaptability to new environmental demands, requirements and constraints but does not adequately recognize the natural evolution of the system.  In nuclear, it's natural evolution that may quietly lead to performance drift and normalization of deviance.  In a similar vein, CAISO has to worry about complacency in just one mode, for nuclear it's effectively the only mode and complacency is an omnipresent threat. (p. 126) 

The risk of cognitive overload occurs more often for CAISO operators but it has visible precursors; for nuclear operators the risk is overload might occur suddenly and with little or no warning.*** Anticipation and resilience are more obvious needs at CAISO but also necessary in nuclear operations. (pp. 5, 124)

Implications for Safety Culture

Both HRMs and HROs need cultures that value continuous training, open communications, team players able to adjust authority relationships when facing emergent issues, personal responsibility for safety (i.e., safety does not inhere in technology), ongoing learning to do things better and reduce inherent hazards, rewards for achieving safety and penalties for compromising it, and an overall discipline dedicated to failure-free performance. (pp. 198, App. 2)  Both organizational types need a focus on operations as the central activity.  Nuclear is good at this, certainly better than CAISO where entities outside of operations promulgated system changes and the operators were stuck with making them work.

The willingness to report errors should be encouraged but we have seen that is a thin spot in the SC at some plants.  Errors can be a gateway into learning how to create more reliable performance and error tolerance vs. intolerance is a critical cultural issue. (pp. 111-12, 220) 

The simultaneous needs to operate within a prescribed envelope while considering how the envelope might be breached has implications for SC.  We have argued before that a nuclear organization is well-served by having a diversity of opinions and some people who don't subscribe to group think and instead keep asking “What's the worst case scenario and how would we manage it to an acceptable conclusion?” 


This review gives short shrift to the authors' broad and deep description and analysis of CAISO.****  The reason is that the major takeaway for CAISO, viz., the need to recognize mode shifts and switch management strategies accordingly as the manifestation of “normal” operations, is not really applicable to day-to-day nuclear operations.

The book describes a rare breed, the socio-technical-political start-up, and has too much scope for the average nuclear practitioner to plow through searching for newfound nuggets that can be applied to nuclear management.  But it's a good read and full of insightful observations, e.g., the description of  CAISO's early days (ca. 2001-2004) when system changes driven by engineers, politicians and regulators, coupled with changing challenges from market participants, prevented the organization from settling in and effectively created a negative learning curve with operators reporting less confidence in their ability to manage the grid and accomplish the mission in 2004 vs. 2001. (Ch. 5)

(High Reliability Management was recommended by a Safetymatters reader.  If you have a suggestion for material you would like to see promoted and reviewed, please contact us.)

*  E. Roe and P. Schulman, High Reliability Management (Stanford Univ. Press, Stanford, CA: 2008)  This book reports the authors' study of CAISO from 2001 through 2006. 

**  By their nature as baseload generating units, usually with long-term sales contracts, nuclear plants are unlikely to face a highly volatile business environment.  Their political and social environment is similar: The NRC buffers them from direct interference by politicians although activists prodding state and regional authorities, e.g., water quality boards, can cause distractions and disruptions.

The importance of considering low-probability, major consequence events is argued by Taleb (see here) and Dédale (see here).

***  Over the course of the authors' investigation, technical and management changes at CAISO intended to make operations more reliable often had the unintended effect of moving the edge of the prescribed performance envelope closer to the operators' cognitive and skill capacity limits. 

The Cynefin model describes how organizational decision making can suddenly slip from the Simple domain to the Chaotic domain via the Complacent zone.  For more on Cynefin, see here and here.

****  For instance, ch. 4 presents a good discussion of the inadequate or incomplete applicability of Normal Accident Theory (Perrow, see here) or High Reliability Organization theory (Weick, see here) to the behavior the authors observed at CAISO.  As an example, tight coupling (a threat according to NAT) can be used as a strength when operators need to stitch together an ad hoc solution to meet demand. (p. 135)

Ch. 11 presents a detailed regression analysis linking volatility in selected inputs to volatility in output, measured by the periods when electricity made available (compared to demand) fell outside regulatory limits.  This analysis illustrated how well CAISO's operators were able to manage in different modes and how close they were coming to the edge of their ability to control the system, in other words, performance as precursor to the need to go to Stage 3 command-and-control load shedding.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Four Years of Safetymatters

Aztec Calendar
Over the four plus years we have been publishing this blog, regular readers will have noticed some recurring themes in our posts.  The purpose of this post is to summarize our perspective on these key themes.  We have attempted to build a body of work that is useful and insightful for you.

Systems View

We have consistently considered safety culture (SC) in the nuclear industry to be one component of a complicated socio-technical system.  A systems view provides a powerful mental model for analyzing and understanding organizational behavior. 

Our design and explicative efforts began with system dynamics as described by authors such as Peter Senge, focusing on characteristics such as feedback loops and time delays that can affect system behavior and lead to unexpected, non-linear changes in system performance.  Later, we expanded our discussion to incorporate the ways systems adapt and evolve over time in response to internal and external pressures.  Because they evolve, socio-technical organizations are learning organizations but continuous improvement is not guaranteed; in fact, evolution in response to pressure can lead to poorer performance.

The systems view, system dynamics and their application through computer simulation techniques are incorporated in the NuclearSafetySim management training tool.

Decision Making

A critical, defining activity of any organization is decision making.  Decision making determines what will (or will not) be done, by whom, and with what priority and resources.  Decision making is  directed and constrained by factors including laws, regulations, policies, goals, procedures and resource availability.  In addition, decision making is imbued with and reflective of the organization's values, mental models and aspirations, i.e., its culture, including safety culture.

Decision making is intimately related to an organization's financial compensation and incentive program.  We've commented on these programs in nuclear and non-nuclear organizations and identified the performance goals for which executives received the largest rewards; often, these were not safety goals.

Decision making is part of the behavior exhibited by senior managers.  We expect leaders to model desired behavior and are disappointed when they don't.  We have provided examples of good and bad decisions and leader behavior. 

Safety Culture Assessment

We have cited NRC Commissioner Apostolakis' observation that “we really care about what people do and maybe not why they do it . . .”  We sympathize with that view.  If organizations are making correct decisions and getting acceptable performance, the “why” is not immediately important.  However, in the longer run, trying to identify the why is essential, both to preserve organizational effectiveness and to provide a management (and mental) model that can be transported elsewhere in a fleet or industry.

What is not useful, and possibly even a disservice, is a feckless organizational SC “analysis” that focuses on a laundry list of attributes or limits remedial actions to retraining, closer oversight and selective punishment.  Such approaches ignore systemic factors and cannot provide long-term successful solutions.

We have always been skeptical of the value of SC surveys.  Over time, we saw that others shared our view.  Currently, broad-scope, in-depth interviews and focus groups are recognized as preferred ways to attempt to gauge an organization's SC and we generally support such approaches.

On a related topic, we were skeptical of the NRC's SC initiatives, which culminated in the SC Policy Statement.  As we have seen, this “policy” has led to back door de facto regulation of SC.

References and Examples

We've identified a library of references related to SC.  We review the work of leading organizational thinkers, social scientists and management writers, attempt to accurately summarize their work and add value by relating it to our views on SC.  We've reported on the contributions of Dekker, Dörner, Hollnagel, Kahneman, Perin, Perrow, Reason, Schein, Taleb, Vaughan, Weick and others.

We've also posted on the travails of organizations that dug themselves into holes that brought their SC into question.  Some of these were relatively small potatoes, e.g., Vermont Yankee and EdF, but others were actual disasters, e.g., Massey Energy and BP.  We've also covered DOE, especially the Hanford Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant (aka the Vit plant).


We believe the nuclear industry is generally well-managed by well-intentioned personnel but can be affected by the natural organizational ailments of complacency, normalization of deviation, drift, hubris, incompetence and occasional criminality.  Our perspective has evolved as we have learned more about organizations in general and SC in particular.  Channeling John Maynard Keynes, we adapt our models when we become aware of new facts or better ways of looking at the data.  We hope you continue to follow Safetymatters.  

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Safety Paradigm Shift

We came across a provocative and persuasive presentation by Jean Pariès Dédale, "Why a Paradigm Shift Is Needed" from the IAEA Experts Meeting in May of this year.*  Many of the points resonate with our views on nuclear safety management; in particular complexity, the fallacy of the "predetermination envelope"- making a system more reliable within its design envelope but more susceptible outside that envelope; deterministic and probabilistic rationalization that avoids dealing with complexity of the system; and unknown-unknowns.  We also believe it will take a paradigm shift, however unlikely it may be at least in the U.S. nuclear industry.  Interestingly, Dédale does not appear to have a nuclear power background and develops his paradigm argument across multiple events and industries.

Dédale poses a very fundamental question: since the current safety construct has shown vulnerabilities to actual off-normal events should the response be, do more of the same but better and with more rigor? Or should the safety paradigm itself be challenged?  The key issue underlying the challenge to this construct is how to cope with complexity.  He means complexity in the same terms we have posted about numerous times.

Dédale notes “The uncertainty generated by the complexity of the system itself and by its environment is skirted through deterministic or probabilistic rationality.” (p. 8)  We agree.  Any review of condition reports and Tech Spec variances indicates a wholesale reliance on risk based rationale for deviations from nominal requirements.  And the risk based argument is almost always based on an estimated small probability of an event that would challenge safety, often enhanced by a relatively short exposure time frame.  As we highlighted in a prior post, Nick Taleb has long cautioned against making decisions based on assessments of probabilities, which he asserts we cannot know, versus consequences which are (sometimes uncomfortably) knowable.

How does this relate to safety management issues including culture?

We see a parallel between constructs for nuclear safety and safety culture.  The nuclear safety construct is constrained both in focus and evolution, heavily reliant on the design basis philosophy (what Dédale labels “predetermination fallacy”) dating back to the 1960s.  Little has changed over the succeeding 50 years; even the advent of PRA has been limited to “informing” the implementation of this approach.  Safety culture has emerged over the last 10+ years as an added regulatory emphasis though highly constrained in its manifestation as a policy statement.  (It is in fact still quite difficult to square the NRC’s characterization of safety culture as critical to safety** yet stopping way short of any regulation or requirements.)  The definitional scope of safety culture is expressed in a set of traits and related values and behaviors.  As with nuclear safety it has a limited scope and relies on abstractions emphasizing, in essence, individual morality.  It does not look beyond people to the larger environment and “system” within which people function.  This environment can bring to bear significant influences that can challenge the desired traits and values of safety culture policy and muddle their application to decisions and actions.  The limitations can be seen in the assessments of safety culture (surveys and similar) as well as the investigation of specific events, violations or non-conformances by licensees and the NRC.  We’ve read many of these and rarely have we encountered any probing of the “why” associated with perceived breakdowns in safety culture.

One exception and a very powerful case in point is contained in our post dated July 29, 2010.  The cited reference is an internal root cause analysis performed by FPL to address employee concerns and identified weaknesses in their corrective action program.  They cite production pressures as negatively impacting employee trust and recognition, and perceptions of management and operational decisions.  FPL took steps to change the origin and impact of production pressures, relieving some of the burden on the organization to contain those influences within the boundaries of safe operation.

Perhaps the NRC believes that it does not have the jurisdiction to probe these types of issues or even require licensees to assess their influence.  Yet the NRC routinely refers to “licensee burden” - cost, schedule, production impacts - in accepting deviations from nominal safety standards.****  We wonder if a broader view of safety culture in the context of the socio-technical system might better “inform” both regulatory policy and decisions and enhance safety management.

*  J.P. Dédale, "Why a Paradigm Shift Is Needed," IAEA International Experts’ Meeting on Human and Organizational Factors in Nuclear Safety in the Light of the Accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, Vienna May 21-24, 2013.

**  The NRC’s Information Notice 2013-15 states that safety culture is “essential to nuclear safety in all phases…”

***  "NRC Decision on FPL (Part 2)," Safetymatters (July 29, 2010).  See slide 18, Root Cause 2 and Contributing Causes 2.2 and 2.4. 

****  10 CFR 50.55a(g)(6)(i) states that the Commission may grant such relief and may impose such alternative requirements as it determines is authorized by law and will not endanger life or property or the common defense and security and is otherwise in the public interest, given the consideration of the burden upon the licensee (emphasis added).

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Even Macy’s Does It

We have long been proponents of looking for innovative ways to improve safety management training for nuclear professionals.  We’ve taken the burden to develop a prototype management simulator, NuclearSafetySim, and made it available to our readers to experience for themselves (see our July 30, 2013 post).  In the past we have also noted other industries and organizations that have embraced simulation as an effective management training tool.

An August article in the Wall Street Journal* cites several examples of new approaches to manager training.  Most notable in our view is Macy’s use of simulations to have managers gain decision making experience.  As the article states:

“The simulation programs aim to teach managers how their daily decisions can affect the business as a whole.”

We won’t revisit all the arguments that we’ve made for taking a systems view of safety management, focusing on decisions as the essence of safety culture and using simulation to allow personnel to actualize safety values and priorities.  All of these could only enrich, challenge and stimulate training activities. 

A Clockwork Magenta

On the other hand what is the value of training approaches that reiterate INPO slide shows, regulatory policy statements and good practices in seemingly endless iterations?  Brings to mind the character Alex, the incorrigible sociopath in A Clockwork Orange with an unusual passion for classical music.**  He is the subject of “reclamation treatment”, head clamped in a brace and eyes pinned wide open, forced to watch repetitive screenings of anti-social behavior to the music of Beethoven’s Fifth.  We are led to believe this results in a “cure” but does it and at what cost?

Nuclear managers may not be treated exactly like Alex but there are some similarities.  After plant problems occur and are diagnosed, managers are also declared “cured” after each forced feeding of traits, values, and the need for increased procedure adherence and oversight.  Results still not satisfactory?  Repeat.

*  R. Feintzeig, "Building Middle-Manager Morale," Wall Street Journal (Aug. 7, 2013).  Retrieved Sept. 24, 2013.

**  M. Amis, "The Shock of the New:‘A Clockwork Orange’ at 50,"  New York Times Sunday Book Review (Aug. 31, 2013).  Retrieved Sept. 24, 2013.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Bad Eggs?

We’ve often thought that intentional or willful violations of safety/regulatory requirements could provide a useful window into the dynamics of safety culture.  Now the NRC has just issued an Information Notice* listing recent instances of willful violations.  The Notice is titled “Willful Misconduct/Record Falsification and Nuclear Safety Culture” and reports on seven recent instances of such conduct.  From the title and throughout the notice the NRC asserts a link between willful violations and nuclear safety culture.  To wit it states, “An effective safety-culture is essential to nuclear safety at all phases of design, construction and operation and can help prevent willful misconduct by ensuring expectations and consequences are clearly stated and understood.” (p. 5)  The NRC adds, “The above willful misconduct issues and discussion highlights the need... to establish and implement an effective nuclear safety-culture.  This includes training, adequate oversight, and frequent communications especially for workers new to the nuclear industry.” (p. 6)

What we see here is consistent with the NRC’s pro forma approach to organizational safety performance issues.  The problem is culture; the answer is more training, more clarity of expectations, more oversight.**  Oh, and disciplinary actions for the errant individuals.  

Are we to take from this that the individuals involved in these situations are just “bad eggs”?  And the answer is some punishment and re-education?  Is this even consistent with the nature of willful violations and does the sheer number of recent experiences raise more fundamental questions, the most basic of which is “Why?”

Let’s start with what is different about willful violations.  Willful violations are deliberate, intentional and knowing.  In other words the individual knows his/her actions are against established policies or procedures.  This is not a case of carelessness or lack of knowledge of what is expected.  Thus it is hard to understand what would be achieved by more training and reinforcement of expectations.  The prescription for more oversight is also puzzling.  It appears to assume that violations will continue unless there is strict monitoring of behaviors.  Interestingly it is reliance on more oversight by managers who apparently weren’t providing the necessary oversight in the first place.

So on the one hand the corrective actions identified in the these events do not appear well suited to the nature of a willful violation.  Perhaps more importantly this treatment of the problem obscures deeper analysis of why such violations are occurring in the first place.  Why are personnel deciding to intentionally do something wrong?  Often willful acts have their basis in personal gain or covering up some other misdeed.  Nothing in the seven instances in the Notice even hint at this type of motivation.  Could it be an intent to do harm to the organization due to some other personal issue - a problem with a supervisor, being passed by for a promotion, etc?  Hmmm, I guess it’s possible but again there does not appear to be any hint of this in the available documentation. Or could it be that the individuals were responding to some actual or perceived pressure to get something done - more quickly, at less cost, or to avoid raising an issue that itself would cost time or money?  Again there was no exploration of motive for these violations in the NRC’s or licensee’s investigations.***

The apparent failure to fully investigate the motive for these violations is unfortunate as it leaves other critical factors unexplored and untreated.  Goal pressures almost always have their origin higher up in the organization.  Defaulting to reinforcing the culture side of the equation may not be effective due to the inherent contradiction in signals from upper management. 

In a prior post we suggested that safety culture be thought of as a “pressure boundary”, specifically “the willingness and ability of an organization to resist undue pressure on safety from competing business priorities”.   When resistance breaks down it can lead to shading of safety assessments, a decided lack of rigor in pursuing causes and extent of condition - or it can even lead to willful violations.  Relieving business pressure may be the far more effective antidote.

*  NRC Information Notice 2013-15: Willful Misconduct/Record Falsification and Nuclear Safety Culture (Aug. 23, 2013).  ADAMS ML13142A437.

**  In two instances modest civil penalties were also assessed.

***  We would remind our readers of our post dated April 2, 2012 regarding the guilty plea of one of the Massey coal mine supervisors to intentional violations of the law.  The stated reason: following the law would decrease coal production.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Normal Accidents by Charles Perrow

This book*, originally published in 1984, is a regular reference for authors writing about complex socio-technical systems.**  Perrow's model for classifying such systems is intuitively appealing; it appears to reflect the reality of complexity without forcing the reader to digest a deliberately abstruse academic construct.  We will briefly describe the model then spend most of our space discussing our problems with Perrow's inferences and assertions, focusing on nuclear power.  

The Model

The model is a 2x2 matrix with axes of coupling and interactions.  Not surprisingly, it is called the Interaction/Coupling (IC) chart.

“Coupling” refers to the amount of slack, buffer or give between two items in a system.  Loosely coupled systems can accommodate shocks, failures and pressures without destabilizing.  Tightly coupled systems have a higher risk of disastrous failure because their processes are more time-dependent, with invariant sequences and a single way of achieving the production goal, and have little slack. (pp. 89-94)

“Interactions” may be linear or complex.  Linear interactions are between a system component and one or more other components that immediately precede or follow it in the production sequence.  These interactions are familiar and, if something unplanned occurs, the results are easily visible.  Complex interactions are between a system component and one or more other components outside the normal production sequence.  If unfamiliar, unplanned or unexpected sequences occur, the results may not be visible or immediately comprehensible. (pp. 77-78)

Nuclear plants have the tightest coupling and most complex interactions of the two dozen systems Perrow shows on the I/C chart, a population that included chemical plants, space missions and nuclear weapons accidents. (p. 97)

Perrow on Nuclear Power

Let's get one thing out of the way immediately: Normal Accidents is an anti-nuke screed.  Perrow started the book in 1979 and it was published in 1984.  He was motivated to write the book by the TMI accident and it obviously colored his forecast for the industry.  He reviews the TMI accident in detail, then describes nuclear industry characteristics and incidents at other plants, all of which paint an unfavorable portrait of the industry.  He concludes: “We have not had more serious accidents of the scope of Three Mile Island simply because we have not given them enough time to appear.” (p. 60, emphasis added)  While he is concerned with design, construction and operating problems, his primary fear is “the potential for unexpected interactions of small failures in that system that makes it prone to the system accident.” (p. 61)   

Why has his prediction of such serious accidents not come to pass, at least in the U.S.?

Our Perspective on Normal Accidents

We have several issues with this book and the author's “analysis.”

Nuclear is not as complex as Perrow asserts 

There is no question that the U.S. nuclear industry grew quickly, with upsized plants and utilities specifying custom design combinations (in other words, limited standardization).  The utilities were focused on meeting significant load growth forecasts and saw nuclear baseload capacity as an efficient way to produce electric power.  However, actually operating a large nuclear plant was probably more complex than the utilities realized.  But not any more.  Learning curve effects, more detailed procedures and improved analytic methods are a few of the factors that led to a greater knowledge basis for plant decision making.  The serious operational issues at the “problem plants” (circa 1997) forced operators to confront the reality that identifying and permanently resolving plant problems was necessary for survival.  This era also saw the beginning of industry consolidation, with major operators applying best methods throughout their fleets.  All of these changes have led to our view that nuclear plants are certainly complicated but no longer complex and haven't been for some time.    

This is a good place to point out that Perrow's designation of nuclear plants as the most complex and tightest coupled systems he evaluated has no basis in any real science.  In his own words, “The placement of systems [on the interaction/coupling chart] is based entirely on subjective judgments on my part; at present there is no reliable way to measure these two variables, interaction and coupling.” (p. 96)

System failures with incomprehensible consequences are not the primary problem in the nuclear industry

The 1986 Chernobyl disaster was arguably a system failure: poor plant design, personnel non-compliance with rules and a deficient safety culture.  It was a serious accident but not a catastrophe.*** 

But other significant industry events have not arisen from interactions deep within the system; they have come from negligence, hubris, incompetence or selective ignorance.  For example, Fukushima was overwhelmed by a tsunami that was known to be possible but was ignored by the owners.  At Davis-Besse, personnel ignored increasingly stronger signals of a nascent problem but managers argued that in-depth investigation could wait until the next outage (production trumps safety) and the NRC agreed (with no solid justification).  

Important system dynamics are ignored 

Perrow has some recognition of what a system is and how threats can arise within it: “. . . it is the way the parts fit together, interact, that is important.  The dangerous accidents lie in the system, not in the components.” (p. 351)  However, he is/was focused on interactions and couplings as they currently exist.  But a socio-technical system is constantly changing (evolving, learning) in response to internal and external stimuli.  Internal stimuli include management decisions and the reactions to performance feedback signals; external stimuli include environmental demands, constraints, threats and opportunities.  Complacency and normalization of deviance can seep in but systems can also bolster their defenses and become more robust and resilient.****  It would be a stretch to say that nuclear power has always learned from its mistakes (especially if they occur at someone else's plant) but steps have been taken to make operations less complex. 

My own bias is Perrow doesn't really appreciate the technical side of a socio-technical system.  He recounts incidents in great detail, but not at great depth and is often recounting the work of others.  Although he claims the book is about technology (the socio side, aka culture, is never mentioned), the fact remains that he is not an engineer or physicist; he is a sociologist.


Notwithstanding all my carping, this is a significant book.  It is highly readable.  Perrow's discussion of accidents, incidents and issues in various contexts, including petrochemical plants, air transport, marine shipping and space exploration, is fascinating reading.  His interaction/coupling chart is a useful mental model to help grasp relative system complexity although one must be careful about over-inferring from such a simple representation.

There are some useful suggestions, e.g., establishing an anonymous reporting system, similar to the one used in the air transport industry, for nuclear near-misses. (p. 169)  There is a good discussion of decentralization vs centralization in nuclear plant organizations. (pp. 334-5)  But he says that neither is best all the time, which he considers a contradiction.  The possibility of contingency management, i.e., using a decentralized approach for normal times and tightening up during challenging conditions, is regarded as infeasible.

Ultimately, he includes nuclear power with “systems that are hopeless and should be abandoned because the inevitable risks outweigh any reasonable benefits . . .” (p. 304)*****  As further support for this conclusion, he reviews three different ways of evaluating the world: absolute, bounded and social rationality.  Absolute rationality is the province of experts; bounded rationality recognizes resource and cognitive limitations in the search for solutions.  But Perrow favors social rationality (which we might unkindly call crowdsourced opinions) because it is the most democratic and, not coincidentally, he can cite a study that shows an industry's “dread risk” is highly correlated with its position on the I/C chart. (p. 326)  In other words, if lots of people are fearful of nuclear power, no matter how unreasonable those fears are, that is further evidence to shut it down.

The 1999 edition of Normal Accidents has an Afterword that updates the original version.  Perrow continues to condemn nuclear power but without much new data.  Much of his disapprobation is directed at the petrochemical industry.  He highlights writers who have advanced his ideas and also presents his (dis)agreements with high reliability theory and Vaughn's interpretation of the Challenger accident.

You don't need this book in your library but you do need to be aware that it is a foundation stone for the work of many other authors.


*  C. Perrow, Normal Accidents: Living with High-Risk Technologies (Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, NJ: 1999).

**  For example, see Erik Hollnagel, The ETTO Principle: Efficiency-Thoroughness Trade-Off (reviewed here); Woods, Dekker et al, Behind Human Error (reviewed here); and Weick and Sutcliffe, Managing the Unexpected: Resilient Performance in an Age of Uncertainty (reviewed here).  It's ironic that Perrow set out to write a readable book without references to the “sacred texts” (p. 11) but it appears Normal Accidents has become one.

***  Perrow's criteria for catastrophe appear to be: “kill many people, irradiate others, and poison some acres of land.” (p. 348)  While any death is a tragedy, reputable Chernobyl studies report fewer than 100 deaths from radiation and project 4,000 radiation-induced cancers in a population of 600,000 people who were exposed.  The same population is expected to suffer 100,000 cancer deaths from all other causes.  Approximately 40,000 square miles of land was significantly contaminated.  Data from Chernobyl Forum, "Chernobyl's Legacy: Health, Environmental and Socio-Economic Impacts" 2nd rev. ed.  Retrieved Aug. 27, 2013.  Wikipedia, “Chernobyl disaster.”  Retrieved Aug. 27, 2013.

In his 1999 Afterword to Normal Accidents, Perrow mentions Chernobyl in passing and his comments suggest he does not consider it a catastrophe but could have been had the wind blown the radioactive materials over the city of Kiev.

****  A truly complex system can drift into failure (Dekker) or experience incidents from performance excursions outside the safety boundaries (Hollnagel).

*****  It's not just nuclear power, Perrow also supports unilateral nuclear disarmament. (p. 347)