Gen. McChrystal was a U.S. commander in Afghanistan;
you may remember he was fired by President Obama for making, and allowing
subordinates to make, disparaging comments about then-Vice President
Biden. However, McChrystal was widely
respected as a soldier and leader, and his recent book* on strengthening an
organization’s “risk immune system” caught our attention. This post summarizes its key points, focusing
on items relevant to formal civilian organizations.
McChrystal describes a system that can detect, assess, respond to, and learn from risks.** His mental model consists of two major components: (1) ten Risk Control Factors, interrelated dimensions for dealing with risks and (2) eleven Solutions, strategies that can be used to identify and address weaknesses in the different factors. His overall objective is to create a resilient organization that can successfully respond to challenges and threats.
Risk Control Factors
These are things under the control of an organization and its leadership, including physical assets, processes, practices, policies, and culture.
Communication – The organization must have the physical ability and willingness to exchange clear, complete, and intelligible information, and identify and deal with propaganda or misinformation.
Narrative – An articulated organizational purpose and mission. It describes Who we are, What we do, and Why we do it. The narrative drives (and we’d say is informed by) values, beliefs, and action.
Structure – Organizational design defines decision spaces and communication networks, implies power (both actual and perceived authority), suggests responsibilities, and influences culture.
Technology – This is both the hardware/software and how the organization applies it. It include an awareness of how much authority is being transferred to machines, our level of dependence on them, our vulnerability to interruptions, and the unintended consequences of new technologies.
Diversity – Leaders must actively leverage different perspectives and abilities, inoculate the organization against groupthink, i.e., norms of consensus, and encourage productive conflict and a norm of skepticism. (See our June 29, 2020 post on A Culture that Supports Dissent: Lessons from In Defense of Troublemakers by Charlan Nemeth.)
Bias – Biases are assumptions about the world that affect our outlook and decision making, and cause us to ignore or discount many risks. In McChrystal’s view “[B]ias is an invisible hand driven by self-interest.” (See our July 1, 2021 and Dec.18, 2013 posts on Daniel Kahneman’s work on identifying and handling biases.)
Action – Leaders have to proactively overcome organizational inertia, i.e., a bias against starting something new or changing course. Inertia manifests in organizational norms that favor the status quo and tolerate internal resistance to change.
Timing – Getting the “when” of action right. Leaders have to initiate action at the right time with the right speed to yield optimum impact.
Adaptability – Organizations have to respond to changing risks and environments. Leaders need to develop their organization’s willingness and ability to change.
Leadership – Leaders have to direct and inspire the overall system, and stimulate and coordinate the other Risk Control Factors. Leaders must communicate the vision and personify the narrative. In practice, they need to focus on asking the right questions and sense the context of a given situation, embracing the new before necessity is evident. (See our Nov. 9, 2018 post for an example of effective leadership.)
The Solutions are strategies or methods to identify weaknesses in and strengthen the risk control factors. In McChrystal’s view, each Solution is particularly applicable to certain factors, as shown in Table 1.
Assumptions check – Assessment of the reasonableness and relative importance of assumptions that underlie decisions. It’s the qualitative and quantitative analyses of strengths and weaknesses of supporting arguments, modified by the judgment of thoughtful people.
Risk review – Assessment of when hazards may arrive and the adequacy of the organization’s preparations.
Risk alignment check – Leaders should recognize that different perspectives on risks exist and should be considered in the overall response.
Gap analysis – Identify the space between current actions and desired goals.
Snap assessment – Short-term, limited scope analyses of immediate hazards. What’s happening? How well are we responding?
Communications check – Ensure processes and physical systems are in place and working.
Tabletop exercise – A limited duration simulation that tests specific aspects of the organization’s risk response.
War game (functional exercise) – A pressure test in real time to show how the organization comprehensively reacts to a competitor’s action or unforeseen event.
Red teaming – Exercises involving third parties to identify organizational vulnerabilities and blind spots.
Pre-mortem – A discussion focusing on the things mostly likely to go wrong during the execution of a plan.
After-action review – A self-assessment that identifies things that went well and areas for improvement.
Table 1 Created by Safetymatters
Our Perspective
McChrystal did not invent any of his Risk Control Factors and we have discussed many of these topics over the years.*** His value-add is organizing them as a system and recognizing their interrelatedness. The entire system has to perform to identify, prepare for, and respond to risks, i.e., threats that can jeopardize the organization’s mission success.
This review emphasizes McChrystal’s overall risk management model. The book also includes many examples of risks confronted, ignored, or misunderstood in the military, government, and commercial arenas. Some, like Blockbuster’s failure to acquire Netflix when it had the opportunity, had poor outcomes; others, like the Cuban missile crisis or Apollo 13, worked out better.
The book appears aimed at senior leaders but all managers from department heads on up can benefit from thinking more systematically about how their organizations respond to threats from, or changes in, the external environment.
There are hundreds of endnotes to document the text but the references are more Psychology Today than the primary sources we favor.
Bottom line: This is an easy to read example of the “management cookbook” genre. It has a lot of familiar information in one place.
* S. McChrystal and A. Butrico, Risk: A User’s Guide (New York: Portfolio) 2021. Butrico is McChrystal’s speechwriter.
** Risk to McChrystal is a combination of a threat and one’s vulnerability to the threat. Threats are usually external to the organization while vulnerabilities exist because of internal aspects.
*** For example, click on the Management or Decision Making labels to pull up posts in related areas.